
I use some terms pretty frequently, and as some of them are not too common or are potentially misunderstood, this glossary serves to clarify any confusion.

Yahweh:  The name of God as He revealed it.  It means "I Am" or "the one whose nature it is to exist."  Note that "I Am" is present tense. Any time you see the word "LORD" in all capital letters in the Old Testament, that was "Yahweh" in the original text.

Yahshua:  The name of Yahweh's son, the one commonly known as Jesus.  Yahweh named His son after Himself (notice the "Yah" in both names).  Yahshua means "Yahweh Is Salvation."  This one rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but it's not a point of contention for me, even though there is tremendous revelation in it.  When God's son walked the earth, little boys didn't knock on Joseph and Mary's door to see if Jesus could come out to play.  They were a Hebrew family, and His name was Yahshua.  The name Jesus is an English translation of the Greek transliteration for Yahshua.  If I travel to another country where they speak another language, I'm still Jennifer.  And 100 years from now, when I'm dead and gone, anyone who talks about me will still call me Jennifer, even if they speak German or Japanese.  I'm supremely interested in how some of these details were changed or lost over time, by the way.  I understand, too, that it's so strange that it's easy to say, "OK, you're just being weird."  Believe me, I heard this for the first time once, too.  But how many times in the Bible does it reference the power of Yahweh's name or of Jesus' name?  How silly that at the time of writing, it was talking about the power of Yahshua's name, then the name got changed!

These are the two biggies for now.  I will expand this as the need arises and as time permits.