I have to brag on my husband. When we got married, we were fairly clueless and blissful and knew less than we do now about marriage. That's not to say that we know everything now, but we certainly know more. I've watched him grow into a husband in the true sense of the word. It's derived from "husbandman," and it essentially refers to one who manages well and cares for what he is given. He sets himself to bring out the best in it.
He is the head of our family, and part of the anointing there is for him to stand at the "doorway" and decide what is and what is not permitted in to the family. He is our covering, our authority, our anchor, our calm.
I'm writing this because on Sunday evening just before dinner, I made a quick run to the grocery store with Levi. We picked up a few things, then we started home. At the store, my stomach (like the actual stomach organ up in the middle-left of my abdomen) started to feel a little crampy. It was uncomfortable, but I pretty much ignored it. But when we got in the car, I don't know if it was the sitting position or what, but I suddenly had stabbing cramps that nearly incapacitated me. And if you're thinking, "It must've been gas," I can assure you, it wasn't. I have a strong stomach and have never felt anything like it. I would have pulled over and called Jed, but I left my phone at the house, and the store was just down the street. I focused on the road and groaned the whole way home, praying hard. It was almost decided in my mind that Jed would have to take me to the emergency room.
Once home, I left the groceries in the car and went straight through the door, grasping my middle, to collapse on the couch. Levi said to Jed, "Mommy needs your help. Her tummy hurts," and Jed came to find me on the couch. I was curled up in the fetal position and sobbing. I have to mention again how totally weird and unprecedented this is. Jed sensed the unusual nature of it and did what he does.
He put his hand on my back and began praying in the spirit with authority. He prayed and prayed, never striving, never using an agitated voice. He prayed with calm, decisive authority. Then he began to prophesy over me that the pain was relieved of its assignment and no longer had a right to me. He wasn't asking. He was telling. You see, he's in charge, and he knows it, and because Yahweh loves authority and has arranged things this way, things in the spirit realm that we don't even see also know that Jed's in charge. And they have to listen to him on his turf. I am his turf.
Now, I have seen countless people healed. Jed has healed people. I have healed people. But it is thrilling and amazing every time, because Yahweh at work through His people is always a trip! So what happened next is absolutely what I expected, and yet it still left me speechless. The excruciating, gripping pain that had come out of nowhere in no time was as gone as gone can be, instantly. Gone.
Jed proceeded to run me a warm bath and give the kids their dinner. When I came downstairs, he made me a grilled cheese sandwich at my request. I couldn't help but marvel at how I had totally scored when I married this man.
The kicker: The word and celebration at church that morning were crazy-good. How does one even begin to describe our services? I'll attempt it here at some point. But for now, let's just say that I know that what happened Sunday morning with all that we received from the Father with His direction, affirmation, and continued establishing and what happened that afternoon with a little test and my husband kicking it to the curb are not unrelated.
So while Jed and I are, very simply, just two people with strengths and weaknesses like everybody else, it's almost electrifying to take our God at His word when He says He's no respecter of persons, to walk out the "greater things" Yahshua promised His disciples, and to find success there.
My apologies for the gratuitous, public-mush factor, but yeah, Jed's the man. If you come looking for the Finleys, you find him at the door. He's as cordial as they come, but I wouldn't want to reckon with him. His God backs him up, and the part that really matters is...he knows it.
Kinda makes a girl feel all secure and stuff. :)