Friday, October 8, 2010

Funky Line Dancing Is Fine...Not So Much Funky Line Spacing in My Blog

Remember that one time when I said I was leaving perfectionism behind and was just jumping in and looking forward to how things would progress? 

I figured out how to make it so that my blog does not post my About Me info twice, nor does it post my first post twice.  Forward motion is good!  However, I regret to say that somewhere along the line my post body text in my first post has become all crammed together, as you can see (Except this post is not doing it, which I guess is good?).  I know that makes it (the first post) really hard to read, and I'm working on it as well as a few other things.

Thanks for the kind comments here and on Facebook.  I'm working on Post #2 (I guess now it's #3), and no, Dan, I don't think that one will have guns or violence, except maybe the gun carried by the police officer.  But he didn't have to use it.  The suspense builds...

So far, this thing is gloriously not perfect!  I do believe we're in for a blog education.

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