Wednesday, October 6, 2010

There's No Room for "Perfect" Where I'm Headed

It's finally time!  I'm embarking on a little journey into the blog world, and as my tendencies are towards perfectionism, I want to get everything just right before diving in.  Let's be honest, though.  Is anything ever completely "just right," or is life a little more organic, changing, and utterly messy than the sterile confines of "perfect?"  I've decided to leave "perfect" for other times and places.  And people.  Let's leave "perfect" for social network profiles and Christmas cards.  The truth is, if anything's ever going to happen, we just need to dive into it, particularly at that moment when we know in our spirits that the time is right and we're not just making a flippant decision.  Perfectionism has only ever led me into a perfect paralysis in which I accomplished absolutely nothing while waiting around for everything to be...some weird ideal that doesn't exist.

My church here in Vermont just celebrated its 13th anniversary, and as we began Year 14, my apostle said that we would do well to examine our lives and leave behind some things that we just didn't want to take into Year 14 with us.  Indeed.  No need to muddle things up as we move forward, growing, changing, and ever increasing.  I've decided to leave behind perfectionism.  Since I've always wanted to start writing more and have always stopped just short of actually getting that going, I've decided to take the plunge as one of my first forays into leaving perfectionism behind.  OK, so the profile aesthetics might not be exactly what they could be yet, or maybe I have no idea how to fancify my page, or wait, maybe I'm not using the best platform at all.  Maybe I haven't yet learned about all the gadgets and fun ways to include links in my writing, but who cares?  I'll get there, and I look forward to watching how things will progress along the way.

So here we go!  I've decided that ordinary life is really a succession of extraordinary days.  It certainly has that potential.  Kids, faith, keeping a home, overcoming challenges, loving the truth, marital bliss, philosophy, what else?  Dirty dishes, oil changes, poopy diapers, and good books, too?  Everything that brings meaning, and life, to our lives...  If such things are important to you, hopefully you'll find here a fun spot to sit with your coffee and get a daily (let's be honest, more likely weekly) dose of humor or inspiration or rest.  I've been writing this post for about a week, and this one isn't even meant to have much depth!  This morning alone, I've been interrupted about ten times by my preschooler, and this moment, the baby has begun to cry.  Forget perfectionism!  The fact that I'm about to finish my very first blog post is nearly a miracle.

Here and now, let's set sail, then, and see where it leads us, shall we?  I'm leaving perfectionism at the dock.  What would you like to leave behind as the coming days unfold?  Or perhaps pick up?

See you in about a week!


  1. Hi! This is an awesome idea for a blog! Right now, I'm having my "morning coffee" (at 1:00 pm) and thoroughly enjoying your post! One thing I'm leaving behind is -striving. More than an implied series of actions, it's a state of mind that is NOT healthy. In fact, it's counter productive to Yahweh's purpose in my life. When I feel that sense of striving I know I'm trying to get it all done in my own strength. I am beginning to realize that all I need to do is what he has empowered me to do...He'll take care of the rest. If I study all I can for the microbiology lab practical, and I'm not sure that it's "enough"...He has me covered because I'm operating within His will and fully trusting Him. If I get an A...great. If I get a B...fine. He knows what He's doing and will prove Himself faithful! Love ya!

  2. Thanks, Elizabeth! Lots of wisdom there, lady... Striving is a big one for many of us, I think. Yielded, vulnerable, and trusting is definitely the place to be, though. Love you, too!
