Friday, April 22, 2011

Superlative. Noun. EVER.

(An ode to this happy day and the parlance of our times.)

Today is the best day ever!

We found out last night that Jed had the day off, which is the coolest thing ever.  I slept in, one of my most favorite things ever, and Jed got up with the kids this morning.  Score!  He's the nicest husband ever.

I think Easter is the most meaningful holiday ever, because it's the celebration of Yahshua's resurrection, which, repenting of what I said earlier about Jed's day off, is actually the coolest thing ever.

It snowed yesterday, and snow in April is maybe the biggest bummer ever, but today, Good Friday, it's super sunny, the best surprise ever!

(Oh no, you can't leave yet.  There's more...)

It feels so much like Saturday, but I keep remembering that we still get Saturday tomorrow, and we have church tonight.  If you've ever been to one of our services, with great, free, prophetic music (as the worship leader saying that, is that the most arrogant thing ever?) and an apostle whose mouth "drips with gold" (best metaphor ever, Jenn Rutherford), you know that looking forward to services where we experience the presence of God is the most exciting anticipation ever.

Jed is the sweetest dad ever.  He's taking Levi and Adelaide out for a little drive, and while they're out, they're going to visit Jed's old work and show off the kids to the owners, who are the kindest people ever. 

Levi has already made up songs, created and then cleaned some huge messes, used his tools to do something awesome to the carpet (no idea), shoveled some holes outside, and stuck his Easter gels from Lolly to the window.  He's the silliest boy ever. 

Adelaide has laughed at him, screamed at him, harassed him, eaten lots of food, taken a great nap, and furthered her agenda towards wrapping Daddy more tightly around her finger.  She's the littlest Bit ever.

Earlier today, I purchased the cutest dress ever to wear to Josh and Katie's wedding.  It'll be the biggest celebration ever.  Now, I'm working on some music, and I feel like this song will be the most amazing song ever.

Life's so good!  I can't believe this greatest weekend ever has gotten off to the best early start ever.

It'll be epic.  Like, the most epic ever.

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