Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Very Studious (I do teach them a little when I put the camera down)

I have the pleasure of being these girls' English tutor this semester.  Right now, we're doing the 10-page research paper.  Check out the fireplace in the Colchester library.  Love it!

Brianna:  Day 1 of Thomas Edison research at the Milton library.  It's under construction...not quite the selection we'd hoped for, but we prevailed!

Shiloh and her Sticker:  Day 1 of WWII fighting conditions research at the Milton library.

This is just so very Vermonty.  This flyer posted in the Milton library lobby invites everyone to a "Sugar on Snow" party.  This spring-time tradition occurs at sugar shacks during the short maple sugar season when they tap the trees for the gooey, sugary, delicious topping.  Put (clean) snow in a cup, top with maple syrup.  Enjoy.

The modest stacks at the under-construction Milton library...there were still some treasures to be found.

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