Saturday, December 31, 2011

Adieu, 2011-How Shall Thine Memory Linger?

Oh, 2011, where shall I put thee in the annals of Finley history?  How shall I remember thee to mine children?  Among those unforgettable years that stamp our lives with extra significance, you have found thine place, for you have brought challenge specific to your era.

Ah, but lo!  If I peer deeper, I make out more than mere challenge.  And so I ask again:  how shall I remember thee?  And how shall I answer when you're recalled in the curious questioning of my children? 

Fine art by Joseph Huber,

Shall I take on the buckled despondence of the road-worn traveler and quietly close the door on you, wiping your dust off my feet, and sighing, "Good riddance," as others who saw your challenge shall choose to do?  Shall I toss you away so carelessly as if your sunshine, your changing leaves, your life lessons, your birthday celebrations, your aspirations, failures, and successes were for naught? 

No!  I daresay I reflect on you and discover all you tried to hide under your tough facade.  Indeed, I can't help but want to rise and do a silly jig of delight when I realize all the joys that gained entrance through your gates, through your gift of days.  I want to laugh when I recollect, too, that every trial and every victory made very clear one most absolute, most glorious, indeed most absolutely glorious, actuality: 
the faithfulness of my mighty, loving God. 

Here I stand, at your closing and passing, grateful to stand.  I celebrate the air I breathe and every moment of each of your 365 days that provided me with one more opportunity

How, then, shall I remember thee to mine children, 2011?  How then shall I capture thee in mine own memories? 

You, 2011, are Victory.  You are another year we embraced, we lived, we drained, and in so doing, we changed into greater newness, greater versions of ourselves.  Wisdom rose as your pendulum swung.  Lessons triumphed as your sand filled the lower orb of your hourglass. 

Therefore, I shall not place trial on any pedestal where its victory ought shine.  I shall not rob Yahweh of the glory that is due Him.  I shall not cast off all your treasure merely because it shared the same earth's revolution as your adversity.

My children shall hear your tales and be emboldened with the reality that at your closing, you were the best year yet, as we moved from glory to glory.  My children shall recall from my memories and stories that you, 2011, were one more glowing opportunity for Yahweh to show Himself faithful, strong, loving, and mighty.  You were one more opportunity for twinkling birthday candles, first steps and words, excited anticipation, wedding dances, new music, new vision, and broadened revelation.

As I bid you adieu, 2011, I turn now to my friends reading this to wish a Happy New Year to you and yours.  May you especially recall all the happiness, simple and grand, that this past year has bestowed, and step into 2012 with a knowing grin and a twinkle in your eye.


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