Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Enter with Joy, Because I Can!

Yahshua paid a mighty price for my life.  I want to understand the fullness of what He did and what it was intended to do for the sons of Yahweh.  I don't want to miss one ounce of it.  I cannot go halfway in this reality.  I cannot give half.  I cannot pay it lip service on certain occasions only to forget it as I go about my daily life. 

The Kingdom of Yahweh is!  And He does not want my sacrifices!  He wants my passionate all, my praise, my heart, me.  My will. 

It is no sacrifice to know You, to love You, Yahweh.

He does not label us as sinners if we've been made new in Him.  So if you are a believer who still identifies yourself as a sinner, stop!  And come into agreement with His identity concerning you.  You are His, created in His image, to look in the mirror and see the visage of Christ, clothed in His righteousness!

He purchased my freedom and with that, I boldly enter the throne room of my God.  I take my seat at the feast He has laid out before me.  I own the identity of a son:  the robe, the crown, the scepter that He's given me.

This is not rhetoric, theology, philosophy, or a Bible class.  This is what happens when we immerse ourselves in Him, and everything else, including our beliefs, must bow before Him!

Holy Spirit, I make no apologies for being completely yielded to you.  Holy Spirit, flow in my life, in my children's lives!  I receive from You change, maturity, understanding, discernment, life, love, Truth beyond all measure. 

You are worthy of my praise, Yahweh, and to You I give it unabashedly!  I am no longer identified as a sinner who needs a Savior.  Oh, that so many in Your church would gain this understanding.  Today I am a daughter joined to my King.  And the King has work for us to do in His Kingdom.  Today.  Here.  Now.  We must put our authority into action.

I enter His presence and purpose with joy, because I can.  Because He made a way.  And to do anything less would be such a waste!

Bless Your church, Father, to know Your heart and Your plan in this earth.

Bless You, Yahweh, with all that I am, and may Your name be great in Your earth.

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