Monday, June 17, 2013

Because God Himself Identifies with You, Loves You...

Been remembering this since it first popped up on my little daily verse thingie on April 10:

"At the supreme moment of His dying, Jesus so identified Himself with men and the depths of their predicament and agony that no man can now sink so low that God has not gone lower."  -Os Guinness

How encouraging!...even moreso that upon His resurrection and revolutionary defeat of those depths, we can take His hand and by the Spirit walk up, up and out, till we're soaring far above it all by His grace and love and Truth and might. 

I hate cliche religious talk, so I apologize if this all sounds like mere religious banter.  I know it to be so real and earth-shattering that my heart skips a beat to ponder His goodness and BIGNESS, and intimate relatability.

Whether you've always believed, never believed, or did once but got jaded along the way, don't ever let your or someone else's religious activity/expectation/habit drive you away from, or stand in replacement of, the totally explosive, radiant, life-altering, mind-blowing, heart-swelling LIFE that is a relationship with the One who loves you.

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