Friday, June 21, 2013

On God Talking

If you know God, you're graced with several assurances that give a peace others find unfathomable. 
(If you don't know Him, go ahead and jump in!)

Two granddaddies of all these assurances are inextricably linked:

1.  God talks.  To you.
2.  You win.  Because Yahshua won.  So you can start living that way right now.

Well, that's a relief!

Hearing God is something we are created to do.  It is possibly the most natural and inherent aspect of our nature.  The fact that we're having to re-learn, first, that it's even possible and, second, how to do it merely points to a robbery along the way.  We were robbed!  But don't worry, Yahshua came to restore that which was lost, stolen, and given away.  And He did.  And we can hear God talk.  And we win.  Yesssss.

I try not to talk much about my six-year-old son Levi's diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, because it's one of those things that matters a lot but also doesn't matter at all.  It does matter because it's a battle we fight daily in our personal lives and that we'll continue to fight for others.  We fight spiritually and naturally, and I fully expect him to walk right out of it by the word of the LORD.  Don't freak out about that.  I'm not a pie-in-the-sky, name-it-and-claim it Christian with no grounding.  My relationship with God is pretty firmly grounded, and that grounding is solid enough to elevate my expectations beyond the boundaries of others' experiences and expectations.  So Levi's diagnosis does matter.

However, it doesn't matter in that it doesn't rule our lives, and we don't operate out of the fear that tries to link itself up with the disease.  Because we know God, and He talks, and we win. 

I'm really, really, really, really, reeeeeeeee-heee-heeeeaaallly excited right now, because Yahweh has been talking to me (in itself a thrill, as He's the Creator of the cosmos) about Levi and this sniveling intruder we call diabetes.  I am not foaming-at-the-mouth, obsessively consumed with curing Levi, though he is always on my radar.  We have a lot of important purpose to fulfill and will not be distracted from that.  BUT, when Yahweh talks, I listen.  And I obey.  And because I adore my son and could very easily start foaming at the mouth and becoming obsessed, I'm relieved and blessed that my Father wants to talk to me about it, that it's in His heart too.  Of course it is. 

From the beginning, all the fabulous medical staff told us that Type 1 has nothing to do with what you eat. Type 2 is created by poor diet (and other things) and can often be fought and cured by a better diet, but Type 1, what Levi has, is just a genetic thing that may or may not be triggered by any minor infection that in turn causes the immune system to go into overdrive and attack the pancreas (in a nutshell, making it an autoimmune disease).  So Levi could continue eating whatever he wanted.  We're pretty healthy eaters, so we knew that wasn't an issue.  And I've been explaining to people who ask that this is not a food thing; it can't be changed by eating better.  That's what the experts told us.  That's the boundary of their experience and expectations.

But then Yahweh started talking to me.  He started talking to me about diet, especially regarding Levi, and I was curious and excited.  Because I am forever blessed by our advances in medicine, but it can only go so far.  Western medicine, especially, is incomplete in its focus.

It's not uncommon for me simply to hear His voice, like when he told me I wouldn't be returning to the worship leadership position after Roxie was born.  But here's how hearing God unfolded in this situation for me, and it's continuing to do so.  In short, it's been one of those "coincidental," "that-was-random" situations in repeat. 

First, I became obsessed with healthy soil as I planned our garden this year; I had no catalyst for it beyond just knowing it to be hugely important.  Second, a godly, mighty friend said she knew Type 1 isn't affected by diet but couldn't shake Levi from her spirit as she came upon a couple books about healing through diet and wondered if I'd like to borrow one.  This was especially unexpected: "Yahweh, what's going on with this? You trying to tell me something?"  Third, I clicked on a random FB article posted by someone I hardly know and read it with my hair on end as it talked about all this crazy stuff about healthy soil; it addressed exactly what's been brewing in my spirit.  My jaw dropped when I reached the end that tied all these healthy soil facts and studies to...wait for it...Type 1 diabetes.  The title had not prepared me for that:  "OK, Yahweh, you've definitely got my attention!  Where we headed?"  A few days later, I received the aforementioned book from my friend.  Chapter 1:  Crazy, Mind-Blowing Stuff Including...Healthy Soil, Type 1 Diabetes Reversal, and the Astronomical Importance of Your Gut (Digestive System)/Immune System/What You Feed Them.  A wave of significance washed over me and over me and over me as I devoured every word.  "Thank you, Yahweh; I'm listening and ready."  Last, another godly, mighty friend who had no idea of any of this other stuff approached me and said she knew Type 1 isn't affected by diet but couldn't shake Levi from her spirit as she learned some new stuff about healing the body through diet.  She showed me a video that talked about the incredible healing significance of...the gut and what we feed it.  By the way, guys, the gut...huge.  HUGE.  It directs so much traffic.

I sought none of this out beyond my faithful prayer and warring in the spirit for my son and trying to make food changes that have been in my own spirit for my family.

I guess I'm giving this rundown to show one of the ways God talks.  Sometimes we wait for Him to send a letter in the mail, to spell it out in the clouds, to overwhelm us with a thundering voice.  However, it's often subtler than that.  You get to the place where you start acting in faith on what you've heard.  Some of it will turn out to have just been your own emotions or vain imagination, and that's OK!  You'll learn to differentiate along the way if you keep pursuing Him with pure motives and an open spirit.  He has already accounted for our learning curve and directed our paths accordingly.  It's fool-proof!

So I'll return to where I started:  we, all of us, were created to hear and to know God.  There is none excluded from that possibility.  I'm treading some supernatural ground right now, and it's what differentiates my experience as one who acknowledges my Creator from the experience of another who's just buying the current expectations and information at face value.  But we don't have to settle for status quo in our lives or in our kids' lives or in the world around us.

Because God is talking. 

(to you.)

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